Cayenne Pepper in Fairview
"We are in a beautiful Sugar grove. Large trees more like Ind. than we have seen for 12 years. The children are getting walnuts along the branch. The green of the white oak & of the black oak and the yellow of the black oak & the yellow of the Sugar tree leaves make a lovely contrast. Eddie wants father to bore a hole in a Sugar tree & let him have some water to drink! A hot dry windy day though cool this morning. I have been hardly able to get up today with cold in my head and back. Came on 7 miles to Fairview, a nice little town. Bought 5 cts worth of Cayenne Pepper for my back and shoulder. Very large corn through here. O, there is a cider mill. They gave us 3
quarts, would not have any pay for it. Nearly sunset. Henry & Alson gone to a barn to buy corn to feed on tomorrow. They got oats instead of corn--3 cts a bushel. Got 2 bushels, camped in a beautiful young hickory grove. Got 15 cts worth of hay at a splendid farmhouse. Large, wealthy farmers through here. Distributed the rest of my tracts in Fairview, at a drug store where there were a great number of men & boys
lounging. They were very eager to get them. I could distribute thousands of papers through here, I believe, to advantage."
The buildings in Fairview were probably newer than the ones Ann wrote about. Still, I could almost see this feisty woman handing out her papers in front of the drug store.
Ann's back & shoulder were getting really painful. No wonder, with all the walking or riding in a wagon. I guess Cayenne pepper was the Capsaicin cream of that day!
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